Monday, June 7, 2010

We're Off!

We left around 2 PM for our biggest vacation ever! We're driving from the Silicon Valley across the South all the way to Mississippi to visit family. It's the first time we've seen much of Thom's family in 4 years. We're taking two weeks and plan on taking our time to tour on the way.

First stop is the Grand Canyon. None of us have ever seen it and we're really excited. This first leg is nearly 13 hours. We plan to drive as long as we can, napping in the car this first night, then spending tomorrow in the canyon. We'll spend tomorrow night in a hotel.

It's good to be on the road. I was determined that the car would be organized, that I would check all the kids' bags so that nothing would be forgotten, and that the house would be left clean. The house is fairly clean, so far we haven't noticed that anything was forgotten, and the car is pretty orderly. You may think that a 15-passenger van would afford plenty of room, but with nine people, suitcases, diapers, strollers, and food, it's pretty full! We did manage to pack lightly however. We're all comfortable, enjoying the gorgeous California scenery, and listening to The Fellowship of the Ring on CD. The baby is even asleep!

We stopped to stretch our legs at an almond orchard just off the highway.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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