Friday, June 18, 2010

Frugal Friday--going bananas!

Today at the store we ran across nearly 50 pounds of bananas that were quite brown. It looked like a deal to me! So I asked the grocer what he would charge if I bought them all. His first price was $12, but I got him down to $8. It came out to 16 cents a pound--quite a good deal, they were marked at 69 cents a pound and are normally 79. Don't think I took advantage of the grocer--he asked for my number to call me when they had more!

When I got home the 5 oldest kids and I worked to preserve them*. We cut them into thirds, peeled them and put them on trays to freeze (this takes several hours). Once they were frozen, we bagged them and left them in the freezer. The hands-on portion of work took about an hour and a half. We process them this way so that we know three portions equals one banana and so that we can pull them out separately. The first time we tried this we didn't freeze them separately and ended up with huge lumps of frozen banana that were unusable until thawed. It's worth the extra time and effort to do it well.

An added note: We use frozen bananas in banana bread, with other fruits and veggies in a Vitamix to make shakes or run them through a heavy duty juicer to make what we call ice cream (nothing added, just banana and occasionally frozen berries). On our road trip we were all feeling "general malaise" and realized that we hadn't had shakes in a few days. We stopped by Whole Foods and purchased some. It wasn't as good as homemade, but we all felt much better!

*Lauren was helping, but broke to take a photo. "Mom, you have to put this on your blog!" she said. She keeps me on my toes.

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