Meet The Family

We are a homeschool family that recently moved from the SF Bay area to an itty bitty town in central Texas. We left our urban life to raise our own animals and produce and give our children space to live free. We hope you will enjoy sharing in our successes and failures and learn along with us.

Thom is the proud papa of this large quiver. He is an engineer in a connector company and loves his job. When he is not at work, he can be found on his computer working on any number of side projects or in the kitchen cooking. Since our change in lifestyle, he's now found outside working on the latest project with the kids or relaxing in his hammock by the pond. His favorite phrase? "I just want to raise some goats!"

Kim enjoys sewing, cooking, exercise, and being outdoors (swimming!), but her passion is for books. Her favorite subjects are history and political science and she can be found reading whenever she finds a spare moment from the job she loves the most--being a Mom!

Lauren has the privilege of being the oldest. She is now16 and enjoys sewing. She has far surpassed her mother's ability, not even needing a pattern.

Thomas is the strong silent type. He is 14 and likes to read, work outside, cook breakfast (he's always the first one up), and study the natural sciences. His favorite subject is logic and he hopes to become a Constitutional lawyer. He is currently volunteering in Texas Teen Court and raising Angora goats.

Pierce is 12 now. His favorite thing to do is to work on the farm building things and taking care of the animals. He loves to entertain the younger ones and is very affectionate. He plans to be a filmmaker and sonographer when he is grown. He is currently raising dairy and meat goats.

Zoe is 7 years old. She is very bubbly and energetic and a natural actress. She loves to be mama's little helper and is trying to learn everything she can about babies so that she can be a midwife when she grows up.

Lucas is 5 years old now and learning phonics now. He loves to "read" Eyewitness books and build things from cardboard and tape.

Stephen is 3. He is fascinated with guns and cowboys. He's very serious and reserved, except sometimes at home where he shows the influence of his older brother Lucas.

Xiana is 1 year old and talking in full sentences now. She's very intelligent like her oldest sister. She is now able to sleep in the big girls room.


  1. Nice blog so far. I look forward to keeping up with you in cyberspace.

  2. Beautiful family, Kimberly & Thom! What an incredible example you are to the world!!

  3. Thanks for the great details. I wanted to wish Lauren a happy birthday. I know it's a day late, but had a busy weekend.

  4. Adorable Pictures! Love them!!

  5. Hi Kimberly,

    Wanted to wish you a wonderful New Year; it's been fun to keep up with your family and read about all your adventures. Finally figured out how to post a response.


  6. Hi Kimberly,

    Wanted to wish you a wonderful New Year; it's been fun to keep up with your family and read about all your adventures. Finally figured out how to post a response.

