Monday, June 7, 2010

Heading Home

We're leaving Mississippi now. It's been a good trip so far. We've been outside of Internet range most of our trip (yes, we're that far out)! I'll have to post more as I am able. We couldn't get to Voddie's church in time, but stopped by a nice church in Sweetwater, TX.

Next stop was Austin where we checked an acreage to buy. We all ended up covered in chigger bites. Lesson #1: wear bug spray! I've been out of the South too long! More on our possible move soon.

From there we traveled as quickly as possible to Mississippi and arrived early Tuesday morning. We saw Grandpa and Grandma, Great Grandmother, aunts and uncles and cousins and family that I don't know yet the correct term for the relationship.

All of the redheads.

The Thomas' trying to figure out what to tackle next.

We helped clean up Grandpa's vineyard and orchard and worked a little on building a deck. Dad, Lauren and the boys worked especially hard. They wished they could work like that everyday rather than going to work or studying.

The younger ones enjoyed lots of room to run and play. Stephen and Lucas played with toads and Lucas made pets of the millipedes that were everywhere indoors and out!

Zoe picked wild blackberries for dessert one night.

Grandpa even taught us to shoot his rifle. He can still nail it! The rest of us weren't too shabby either!

Yesterday, Thom's brother had an accident that could have been very serious except for what can only be God's hand of protection. We were really thankful to be there to visit him in the hospital.

This morning we worshipped in Hamilton, Mississippi where Grandpa preached a great sermon on the significance of and impact every Christian can make by the way we live.

It's good to be going home, but I already miss the family.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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