Monday, June 7, 2010

Meteor Crater

Friday afternoon we stopped by Meteor Crater. In the photo above, we are approaching it from the highway. It looks like one of the many mesas from a distance. The land around is red and rocky and flat. A bit like Mars with scrub. Below Lauren is taking a picture. You can see how huge it is. The floor is 550 feet deep, that's equivalent to a 60-story building! It is 4,000 feet across and 2.4 miles in circumference. I wonder if anyone was around here when it hit. Can you imagine?!

Another interesting thing was the wind. It was so windy that it was difficult to stand straight. I'm talking hurricane force winds, no joke! It was this way all the way through Eastern Arizona and New Mexico. The guide at Meteor Crater told me nonchalantly that this was typical Spring weather!

Thom talking with another home educating Dad that we met.

Zoe holding on to Daddy for dear life in fear of the wind.

-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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