Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Animals in Abundance

We have a lot of gophers here that will make a garden impossible if not managed, so Thom and Lauren brought home two kittens today. Lauren introduced them to the guineas and they were both afraid of the other!

We also started the process of adopting a Great Pyranees. I'm not sure how long that will take, but I'll keep you posted.

Lucas loves playing with the toads that are here in abundance and the lizards that we identified as Mediterranean Geckos. It's great fun to watch them catching insects-- especially on the dining room window during supper! Not so fun when they jump out at us in the house!

So in the last 3 weeks we've gone from no animals to 2 cats, 12 guineas, a potential dog, and numerous toads and geckos, if you count them. That doesn't include the hummingbirds, gophers, snakes, squirrels, deer, hawk, buzzard, and cranes or herons (they're too fast to identify well) that we see daily.

We'll have another animal surprise for you this weekend-- you'll never guess... keep watching!


  1. Wow that's alot to manage - good thing you have lots of helpers. I love surprises, I'll be checking back =)

    Gophers make for good shooting practice too. Daniel and Kevin would love to help ya out there.


  2. They, or you all, are welcome here anytime!


  3. It would be great to have a visit from some friends!

    I can't wait for the surprise animals... can anyone guess what they are?


    P.S. Two of the guineas which we were taming died this morning. Poor Falcon and Snowflake. The other 10 look healthy. I hope we can keep something alive here.
