Saturday, September 4, 2010


Lauren and Lucas with Jack

Meet Jack and Shorn. Lauren's two year old Angora goats.

College is expensive. We can't pay for college for all seven kids, but we don't want them saddled with debt either. We've told the kids that we will make sure they are well prepared for college and given the skills they need to run a successful business, but they will have to either earn the scholarships or the money to pay for their own college tuition. It is our belief that given a solid education and proper motivation, they will rise to the challenge. Now only will they gain valuable experience in the process, they will also be more appreciative for the opportunity to attend college and make the most of it.

Lauren was looking for opportunities when she saw these guys and was immediately interested. She spoke to their owner and learned that there is a local mill that processes their wool. She and her Papa went to tour it and to learn how everything worked, did a lot of research on the costs and market prices for the yarn, then worked up a business plan. She thought she could make a go of it, so with her own money she purchased them. Thom and the boys generously contributed by putting up an electric fence around approximately an half acre. We're praying that her new enterprise is successful! For more insight into her new venture, check out Lauren's blog.

Tomorrow... she learns to shear!

*BTW,  in the process we made a friend as well. The owner saw a link to our blog, read it, and sent us a really nice e-mail. We have a lot in common. She is a homeschool mom as well with five children, the two youngest, about Lauren's age, still at home. We look forward to getting to know them better.



  1. Angora goats! I thought it might be some type of goat. Can you have other goats with these? Some people like goat milk. My mother used to buy wool, clean it, and spin it into yarn on her spinning wheel. She dyed it and then made scarves and hats. So proud was she knowing that she had made the yarn herself! Hope your business does well Lauren =) So fun to hear about all y'alls country adventures!

    John is eating more! Please pray for his leg surgery and recovery as it is scheduled for November 15th.


  2. Thomas is contemplating meat or milk goats for his venture. These are wethers, but Lauren is considering more for breeding later on.

    We keep John in our prayers regularly, keep us informed.

    Love you,
