Thursday, February 18, 2010

Start Here

About a year ago Thomas and I (Lauren) read a book written by Alex and Brett Harris called Do Hard Things. The Harris' start out by telling how people have been led to believe that teenagers (a term which was created only 69 years ago) are incapable of having reponsibility. They then give numerous examples of modern day teens who have stepped up, taken responsibility and grown in their faith and actions, rebelling against the low expectations of our present culture. In this book they challenge teens to be responsible and take advantage of this influential time of their life.

Alex and Brett have just written another book called Start Here, telling how to get started doing hard things. They are trying to get Start Here to the top #10 on Amazon by having as many people to buy it on February 23 as possible. Click the ad on the sidebar or the link below to find out more details about this effort.

Start Here Details


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