Monday, February 15, 2010

a belated St. Valentine's Day

It seems as I look around me that Valentines Day is a celebration of love (or more fittingly, Lust). What a pity that the origin of this holiday has been lost. So for the record, here's the real story:

The real St. Valentine (Valentinus) lived in the Roman empire around 200 AD. Emperor Claudius was building his army and was just a bit perturbed that men weren't running to enlist. You see, at that time, a term of service could easily last 25 years, if the men made it home at all. Claudius rightly concluded that men didn't want to leave their wives and children to fight, so he decided to outlaw marriage. Valentinus knew that no man, even an emperor, could outlaw what God instituted; so as a leader in the Church, he continued doing what he had always done--marrying men and women--only now it was done in secret. Eventually he was caught and brought before the emperor. Rather than worshipping and obeying emperor Claudius, he shared with him the gospel of Christ. Sadly, Claudius rejected the truth and sent Valentius to prison to await his death. While there, however, he prayed for the prison guard's daughter, that her blindness would be healed and it was healed that very night. The prison guard turned to Christ. Sadly, on February 14th of the year 269, Valentinus was put to death.

So when we see all of the hearts and flowers in the stores, let's remember St. Valentine--his stand for marriage, his stand for Christ, and his love for his fellow man.

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Hall Family!!!!!

    Zoe, what a great pic! : )
