Friday, February 26, 2010

Grocery Day

Wednesday was grocery day. The pictures above are of our favorite grocery store. No, I didn't post the wrong pictures. We order online with a co-op called Azure Standard and have food delivered once a month. I love not having to buy so many small containers from the stores. Have you noticed they keep getting smaller and smaller? Also, the food is fresher and the quality is better. We bought onions and potatoes from the co-op and the store at the same time--the produce from the co-op lasted all month, but the store bought produce was moldy within a week. It makes me wonder how long the food we buy in the store sits around before we buy it. Another bonus is that the boys love to lift the heavy bags and boxes for mom showing off their muscles while the little ones play with their friends. Who knew grocery shopping could be so much fun?

1 comment:

  1. Oops! At first I thought that big vehicle was yours! Oh well! I remember when we belonged to a food co-op in Michigan. Don't think they had produce tho. I read that potatoes are one vegetable that is good to buy organic. We are going to grow our own this year.
