Monday, August 16, 2010

Starting the Farm

We moved into our new home Thursday night. Thom had to leave for a trip to California, then Malaysia Friday morning. So the kids and I have been busy unpacking. It's going much quicker than expected. We've got almost everything except books unpacked and I may leave those in boxes until we get shelves built. Saturday we went into Austin to the farmer's market to pick up groceries and scout out holes that we may be able to fill later on. We had lots of fun, met some really nice people, and did find quite a few holes to fill.

On the way home, we stopped by a woman's house and bought a dozen guinea chicks. They're really cute! The kids are taming a few of them for pets and giving them names. Thom has always wanted guineas and in 6-8 weeks they we be old enough to help us with bug control. This is really good because there has been a huge increase in grasshoppers this year. Our land is covered in grasshoppers and crickets and other detrimental insects. I will also be ordering some beneficial insects this week.

We also have to get rid of the burrs. These are not soft little sticky burrs like we had in California. These things dig in the skin and feel like wasp stings! They usually have to be removed with tweezers. I've also had to make friends with the little lizards that live in the house with us. We've found 3 scorpions in the house too. I can't say that I'm making friends with them, but I'm no longer terrified of them. Thomas is enjoying adding to his entomology boxes.

We're also learning to get by without a telephone. Apparently we live in a service bubble. None of the prepaid cell phones have service here and Internet is difficult to come by. It works slowly most of the time, but not always. The iPhone with AT&T works, so we'll work that out when Thom gets back. Also, there are ways to work out the Internet; that will also get worked out when Thom returns. Fortunately, I do have emergency service if needed. I'm surprised how I've come to rely on technology, in the four years that we lived in the silicon valley.

As you can tell, we're all getting toughened up rather quickly and appreciating how easy we've always had it in the city and suburbs.


  1. Hi Kimberly,

    That's great that you are getting settled so quickly. Fun to hear of your new adventures!

    Hope those chicks grow big and mighty!


  2. Kim,
    Sounds like you're adjusting to being country folks. I don't think I could get used to those lizards, tho.

  3. Cute bird.

    Sounds like things are falling into place. I miss you so much. I'll see you Saturday.

    Love ya,

  4. I am definitely not a bug person... the lizards I am used to here in Santa Clara. They like to look up at me when I talk to them... kinda cute!
    Baby Guineas? Wow. Will you be eating their eggs as well?

    I am excited for all of you. What excitement to learn all these new things as youngsters.

    Has Lauren ever read, "An Old Fashioned Girl," by Louisa May Alcott? GREAT STORY!

    Love to all,
    Aunt Margaret X0X0

  5. I haven't read "An Old Fashioned Girl". I'll see if the Austin library has it.

    I don't think we will eat the guinea eggs. We all want a lot of guineas to eat the bugs.

