Monday, August 30, 2010

A Clean Pool, A Clothes Line, And a Poultry Pen

We've been busy in our new home. We started school last week and it is going well. The biggest challenge is with discipline of the younger boys to be quiet when the older ones are studying. We have realized that we've been really lax in disciplining and need to do better.

This year we're studying ancient/Bible history and earth science/astronomy/physical science (except Lauren who is doing chemistry). We're also learning about raising goats and poultry, wood working, and electric fences in working on the farm.

I finally got the pool clean. Yahoo! I didn't think it would ever be clean! There is a great website called that was really helpful. We celebrated with a barbecue/pool party on Saturday night. It was really fun and a great relief to just play after all of the work moving, traveling, etc.

Thom and the boys built a clothesline for me so that I can get back to cloth diapers again (they just don't get white without the sun). It was their first woodworking project and I have to say that I think it is the most beautiful clothesline I've ever seen!

Their next project was a poultry pen. Our guineas were getting too crowded in their tank, but we couldn't set them free yet because of predators, so they built a movable pen that protects them, yet allows them to eat seeds and bugs and fertilize the land. The front comes off so that the kids can get in the pen to hold and feed them. It's worked great! (I'm sorry you can't see the guineas in the photo.)

It's hard to believe we only moved in two weeks ago. We've been so busy with minor repairs that we've felt like we'd never get to the fun stuff. Besides the pool, the mailbox was missing a flag. Do you know that we couldn't find a flag anywhere? So we had to install a new mailbox. Then the heat got up to 106 degrees and shorted out one of the AC units. Two of the thermostats quit working also. Fortunately we have a home warranty to cover the AC. On top of that one of the toilet handles broke. Thomas did a good job fixing that one. (I love having young men!) Did I mention that I learned how to repair a garage door?

Finally we were able to get started and it's just motivated us to do more. We just can't wait to start making this place productive! The next project is installing an electric fence for the goats and adopting a Great Pyranees to guard them. I can't believe I'm saying this. I have never ever wanted a dog, but when I was warned about the coyotes around here, then met a GP and saw what good dogs they are, I started looking into it and was convinced. Thom and the kids are really excited. They have wanted a dog for a while.

More later...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Science Lesson

We were doing some research today on solutions for algae control in the pond and learned some interesting things.

The first thing we learned was that there are two plants often mistaken for pond algae. The first is water meal and the second is duckweed. The former looks like tiny green seeds; the later has tiny leaves with little root hairs. So we found a jar, took a sample and... Yes, it was duckweed after all!

The bad news about duckweed is that it is very hard to control. Koi will eat it if they are placed before it takes over, but once it takes over it is too late. Ducks love it (hence the name) but also can cause an algae problem. It can also inhibit photosynthesis.

But here's the good news! Duckweed is sometimes used in sewage treatment plants to clean the water. The plants are high in nitrogen and phosphorus. They can be skimmed off and used for fertilizer. Good news for our garden! And I'm glad I placed the compost heap near the pond!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Starting the Farm

We moved into our new home Thursday night. Thom had to leave for a trip to California, then Malaysia Friday morning. So the kids and I have been busy unpacking. It's going much quicker than expected. We've got almost everything except books unpacked and I may leave those in boxes until we get shelves built. Saturday we went into Austin to the farmer's market to pick up groceries and scout out holes that we may be able to fill later on. We had lots of fun, met some really nice people, and did find quite a few holes to fill.

On the way home, we stopped by a woman's house and bought a dozen guinea chicks. They're really cute! The kids are taming a few of them for pets and giving them names. Thom has always wanted guineas and in 6-8 weeks they we be old enough to help us with bug control. This is really good because there has been a huge increase in grasshoppers this year. Our land is covered in grasshoppers and crickets and other detrimental insects. I will also be ordering some beneficial insects this week.

We also have to get rid of the burrs. These are not soft little sticky burrs like we had in California. These things dig in the skin and feel like wasp stings! They usually have to be removed with tweezers. I've also had to make friends with the little lizards that live in the house with us. We've found 3 scorpions in the house too. I can't say that I'm making friends with them, but I'm no longer terrified of them. Thomas is enjoying adding to his entomology boxes.

We're also learning to get by without a telephone. Apparently we live in a service bubble. None of the prepaid cell phones have service here and Internet is difficult to come by. It works slowly most of the time, but not always. The iPhone with AT&T works, so we'll work that out when Thom gets back. Also, there are ways to work out the Internet; that will also get worked out when Thom returns. Fortunately, I do have emergency service if needed. I'm surprised how I've come to rely on technology, in the four years that we lived in the silicon valley.

As you can tell, we're all getting toughened up rather quickly and appreciating how easy we've always had it in the city and suburbs.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Catching Up

We are almost officially moved. Closing is 4pm today. Although we had lots of help loading the truck, we did all the packing, driving and unloading ourselves. I never want to do it again! The boxes weren't so bad. It was all of the bikes, furniture, etc that couldn't be boxed that was difficult. If we must move again, I will probably just sell it all and start over again. We managed to get almost everything into a 26 foot moving truck with the minivan packed as well, but boxes took just less than half of the space. Starting over would mean a much smaller truck as well. Then again, I had a dream once that we were gypsies....

In any case, we arrived in Texas on Monday and have been living in hotels/motels. Tonight we will be our first night in the new place. We're all excited about settling in one place and eating homemade meals.

Although the house feels a little smaller than it looked in the photos and the pool is a little smaller (we decided on it with only Thom having seen it) we really like it. The kids found a secret hiding place that they're really excited about. The kitchen space is used well, as is all the space in the house.

The land is covered in trees and is beautiful. Everything just needs some TLC. First on the agenda is to purchase a washer and dryer and put a up a fence around the pool. I'm very nervous about the little ones safety, so we're trying to get that up ASAP. Then we need to get a fence up for the goat pen. We're not sure yet where to put the chickens and orchard, but we have a spot chosen for the herb and vegetable gardens and the vineyard. There is about 8 acres that need the underbrush cleared to make it usable. The pond is nice, but covered in algae, so if anyone has experience in that area, we'd love to hear from you!

I also have to begin a regular schedule of book-learnin' soon as well. I have all of our books and supplies ready to be unpacked, we just need to get in a regular routine again.

There is a lot of work to do, but we're really excited and ready to begin!