Friday, July 23, 2010

Frugal Friday--"Purple Soup"

As we continue packing, I am trying to use up the food in the pantry/refrigerator/freezer. Last night we had "Purple Soup". The first time I made this, we called it "Frugal Soup", but Thomas was a little guy and misunderstood (it was kind of purple), thus "Purple Soup" was born.

The idea is to throw in the crock pot or soup pot any combination of dried beans, barley or rice that you have in the pantry. Add about 4X the amount of water or stock. After this has cooked a while, add any vegetables you have on hand. I always add carrots or bell peppers for the sweetness--it's just no good without them--and onions, leeks or chives for flavor. Also add any combination of herbs and spices that you have and that smell like they would go well. Italian herbs such as thyme, oregano, basil, marjoram or parsley are always good choices. Boil until beans are cooked through, adding water if necessary. When they are done, add bouillon, salt or pepper to taste.

Another tip: I usually keep in the freezer a bucket of meat and veggie scraps to make stock with. Just boil until the kitchen starts to smell really good, then strain and it's ready to use!

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