Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Another Vacation

It's been a long time since I've blogged--so much has happened that I hardly know where to begin, so I'll start with pictures. After packing twenty-some boxes of books for our (possible) move to Texas, I decided to take the kids to Washington to Grandmother's house for a visit.
This is Zoe in her prairie dress that Lauren made for her birthday. We had a tea party birthday among the aspens in the backyard.

One day we went to Astoria (the oldest town in Oregon). It is very steep like San Francisco. We climbed 164 steps to the top of this tower, which is at a high point in the town, overlooking the Columbia River. The history of Astoria is in word and picture up the side of the tower.

Later, we hiked, off the beaten path, to a bunker on the water's edge, really high up. My mother's husband took her there on there first date (how romantic)! His family used to keep this lighthouse. The view wasn't great that day because of the heavy fog, but it was fun nevertheless.

Another day we went to Mount Saint Helens. It was beautiful! We'd read about the "little grand canyon", so it was neat to see it with our own eyes.

I think Pierce's greatest thrill, though, was riding go-carts in town.

We had a great visit with Grandma and Grandpa and will miss them when (if) we move.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Zoe looks like a genuine prairie girl; and I am amazed at the resemblance between you and your mother. wow.

    So glad the Lord has given you and Thom direct answers. God bless you all.
    Mrs. Margaret
