Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Pierce recently completed 20 performances of Rumplestiltskin. He has done two performances with the California Theatre Conservatory, but this was his first professional play. He played one of two woodland creatures who refuse to crown Rumplestiltskin King. We got to see the final performance and were thrilled; he did a great job! It was great to see his acting ability improve. The thing that impressed me most , however, was his maturity and humility. He was very responsible in learning the part and in the way he behaved at rehearsals and didn't let any of this go to his head at all. He's a great kid; thank you Lord.

Here are a couple of videos of Pierce (signing autographs!) and the rest of the cast, which were taken after the play.


  1. Pierce,
    I bet you were the best wood elf ever! That costume looks pretty cool. I suppose you made it yourself. I'm so glad you're doing something you enjoy. I wish I could have been there.

  2. The costume was made by a professional costume designer. He really wanted to make it, but didn't get the chance to this time. :(
