Sunday, April 11, 2010


The boys finally got so shaggy that I had to cut their hair. I really don't like cutting hair, but as you can imagine it saves a lot of money with so many of us. So I do it as often as I need to. Now, you have to understand that I've never taken a class in this.

Here's how I learned:
When Thom and I were a young couple with no children, he was in the Marine Reserves. It was about midnight and he was getting his things ready for weekend duty the next morning when he realized that he needed a haircut. Not wanting to fail inspection and have extra duty, he was in quite a bind. So he found a solution--we would go to the 24-hour Walmart, pick up a set of hair clippers and he would talk me through the process. All else fails, we could just shave his head completely (not within code, but beat the alternative). I cut his hair from that day on.

Thom and I in his Marine Corp days

When we had kids, it just made sense to cut theirs too. To be perfectly honest, sometimes the cut turns out well, sometimes not so much, so when the kids are getting their photos taken or going to visit relatives, I usually pay someone else to do it. And if you're wondering, Thom trims my hair except for twice a year when I have it cut professionally.

1 comment:

  1. It's been a long time since I've seen that picture of you and Thom. I never knew the story behind why or how you started cutting hair, but all things happen for a reason, right! It's certainly alot of work--but must save you guys lots of money. Love the picture of Stephen. He's sure growing.
