Tuesday, March 2, 2010

How to Get Objects Out of Noses!

Even though this happened a few weeks ago, I thought it was worth a post.

With seven children, it's amazing that we've only had objects up noses 3 times so far. We've found that the easiest way to remove them is to block the unobstructed nostril and have the child blow. It will then be low enough to be pulled out. But what do you do when the child doesn't know how to blow his nose? This took us a good 3 hours to figure out. Stephen put a large bead of Zoe's up his nose, and couldn't blow. I tried playing a game where the kids tried to blow out a candle with their noses. It didn't work. Finally, Dad came up with this idea: blow in the mouth like doing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. It should work like blowing his nose for him. It worked! Another costly doctor visit avoided.

BTW, Stanford Children's Hospital has a display of objects that have removed from noses and other orifices.

1 comment:

  1. Quite the ORDEAL! Dear Stephen, I do hope you learned your lesson. I did the very same thing around age 5. I decided to see if Mom's broken pearl necklace had any fragrance... and I had a lovely pearl up my nose! Fortunately I was old enough to know how to blow it out.

    Mrs. Margaret
