On Saturday Thomas and I (Lauren) went with our friends, the
Lebers, to Lake Tahoe to go sledding. After waking up at 3:30am and leaving at 5:00am we were on our way! After the sun rose we began passing by numerous orchards and herds of sheep and cattle. We drove by a group of people on horseback herding some cows along the road.
They were using three small dogs to keep the cows going in the right direction.

Several more hours of driving brought us to see scattered snow on the ground. Farther on there was more and more snow until there was at least two feet of snow piled on top of the roofs of houses.
The Leber kids were thrilled! We stopped at the top of a large hill which we could sled on. We had planned for Thomas and I to babysit David, Neveah, and John while Mr. and Mrs. Leber were skiing. Mr. and Mrs. Leber were about to leave when Nevaeh went down the hill alone, head first, straight into someone walking up the slope. She ended up getting a bump on her head almost the size of a golf ball. M
r. and Mrs. Leber decided to stay and sled with us. After tiring of sledding we all built an igloo. It was strong enough to hold Thomas on top of it and big enough for Mr. Leber, David, Nevaeh, John, Thomas and I to fit into! The heat coming from our bodies made the inside of the igloo startdripping icy water onto us.
We left Tahoe in the afternoon and got home exhausted.
We enjoyed the trip!