Thursday, March 24, 2011

Closer Than He Realized

I was reading a Washington Post article earlier today about Chuck Colson and his Centurions program. It was talking about his adultery and the Watergate scandal and subsequent prison time, his conversion to Christianity, and his life of ministry. It was not a particularly favorable article-- the author was clearly a relativist; but what really struck me were the comments (they have since been removed). They were very hostile. One in particular caught my attention. The person wrote, "Religion--the last resort of scoundrels." My initial reaction was, "What arrogance! What self-righteousness!" But after a few moments I realized that he was closer to the truth than he knew. Change "religion" to "Christianity" and "last" to "only" and you've got it. Christianity is the only resort of scoundrels. We are all scoundrels. Every other religion requires that we earn our salvation. Christians know that it is impossible. All that is needed is for us to face up to reality and humble ourselves before Elohim. Chuck Colson got that.