Friday, July 16, 2010

Frugal Friday--An Evolution in Scrapbooking

In prepping for our move, I found a couple of boxes of photos and scrapbooking paraphernalia that I absolutely did *not* want to follow me and haunting me any more! So I arranged a scrapbooking date with a friend. I have already greatly simplified my pages, but she gave me more ideas to simplify. Here is a sample of one of my earliest pages (the event took two pages).

This is a later one.

The first thing I did was sort through and toss *at least* half of the photos. Then we finished the rest very simply. It takes much less time and supplies and looks much classier. I also am only using the very best photos. Here is a sample of the new method (I know, I know, it needs labeled...).

The oldest kids worked on their own books, while the younger kids played with scrap paper and tossed photos.

Then we discovered an even simpler way. We had tons of digital photos on the computer of our vacation and decided to use iPhoto to make a slide show and save it to DVD instead of making a bunch of pages.* It took about the same amount of time as making three pages. The only thing I haven't figured out is how to journal it.
Lauren thinks she has a way, we'll see...

Anyway in just a couple of days, we have almost finished archiving the entire box of photos, have pared down to minimal supplies and have devised a system of maintaining it all. Not bad!


*Lauren will be posting a slide show to her blog soon.

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